Back Issues
Vigil #6 (Of 6) Cover A Sumit Kumar
DC Comics/.../ /Who Are the Vigil?/ /New member The Wild Card file loading... The metahuman group the Vigil seems have to added a fifth member to the group....
Ver todos los detallesTerrorwar #7 (Of 9) (Mature)
Image ComicsBruised and betrayed, Muhammad and the crew return to the fancy part of town for payback-and find themselves in a battle for Blue City's very survi...
Ver todos los detallesSyphon Volume 02 #1 (Of 4) Cover C Thomas Hedglen Variant
Image ComicsMINISERIES PREMIERE The Ringo Award-winning series returns! After defeating Antonio, Sylas struggles to navigate life, love, and the moral ambiguit...
Ver todos los detallesSyphon Volume 02 #1 (Of 4) Cover B Josh George Variant
Image ComicsMINISERIES PREMIERE The Ringo Award-winning series returns! After defeating Antonio, Sylas struggles to navigate life, love, and the moral ambiguit...
Ver todos los detallesSyphon Volume 02 #1 (Of 4) Cover A Jeff Edwards & John Kalisz
Image ComicsMINISERIES PREMIERE The Ringo Award-winning series returns! After defeating Antonio, Sylas struggles to navigate life, love, and the moral ambiguit...
Ver todos los detallesSuperman Lost #8 (Of 10) Cover B Stephen Segovia Card Stock Variant
DC ComicsSuperman experiences a breakthrough on his path to recovery with the help of Supergirl, as the Els bond over being survivors living with the guilt ...
Ver todos los detallesSuperman Lost #8 (Of 10) Cover A Carlo Pagulayan & Jason Paz
DC ComicsSuperman experiences a breakthrough on his path to recovery with the help of Supergirl, as the Els bond over being survivors living with the guilt ...
Ver todos los detallesSpeed Force #1 (Of 6) Cover B Lesley Leirix Li Card Stock Variant
DC ComicsWallace West and Avery Ho: the young speedsters have been Teen Titans, Justice Leaguers, and above all, members of the Flash Family. As they become...
Ver todos los detallesSpeed Force #1 (Of 6) Cover A Daniele Di Nicuolo
DC ComicsWallace West and Avery Ho: the young speedsters have been Teen Titans, Justice Leaguers, and above all, members of the Flash Family. As they become...
Ver todos los detallesSomething Epic #7 Cover B Szymon Kudranski Eyes Variant
Image ComicsEND OF STORY ARC Final issue of first story arc! Haunted by the death and destruction wrought by his own emotions, Dan returns to the temple, where...
Ver todos los detallesSomething Epic #7 Cover A Szymon Kudranski
Image ComicsEND OF STORY ARC Final issue of first story arc! Haunted by the death and destruction wrought by his own emotions, Dan returns to the temple, where...
Ver todos los detallesScrapper #5 (Of 6)
Image ComicsScrapper and the cats need to free the strays that SMITE is keeping prisoner and keep the organization from releasing a potion that will turn all t...
Ver todos los detallesOutsiders #1 (Of 12) Cover D 1 in 25 Christian Ward Card Stock Variant
DC ComicsNever the End. A universe of secrets is about to come to light. Batman protects Gotham City from evil. Batman Inc. protects the rest of the known w...
Ver todos los detallesOutsiders #1 (Of 12) Cover B John Cassaday Card Stock Variant
DC ComicsNever the End. A universe of secrets is about to come to light. Batman protects Gotham City from evil. Batman Inc. protects the rest of the known w...
Ver todos los detallesOutsiders #1 (Of 12) Cover A Roger Cruz
DC ComicsNever the End. A universe of secrets is about to come to light. Batman protects Gotham City from evil. Batman Inc. protects the rest of the known w...
Ver todos los detallesMan From Maybe #2 (Of 3) Cover C 1 in 10 Shaky Kane Variant (Mature)
Oni PressThe wastelands are ablaze with cosmic peril! Beware! The hard, bad lands of the future are filled with danger even on the best of days! But how ca...
Ver todos los detallesMan From Maybe #2 (Of 3) Cover A Shaky Kane (Mature)
Oni PressThe wastelands are ablaze with cosmic peril! Beware! The hard, bad lands of the future are filled with danger even on the best of days! But how ca...
Ver todos los detallesMadness #4 (Of 6) Cover C Danielle Otrajki Punk Rock Homage Variant (Mature)
Artists, Writers & ArtisansLEARN WHAT SARAH LOST - AND WHY SHE'S OUT FOR REVENGE! In this pivotal issue, we get a glimpse of happier times as we see Sarah's past as a thief ...
Ver todos los detallesMadness #4 (Of 6) Cover A Aco (Mature)
Artists, Writers & ArtisansLEARN WHAT SARAH LOST - AND WHY SHE'S OUT FOR REVENGE! In this pivotal issue, we get a glimpse of happier times as we see Sarah's past as a thief...
Ver todos los detallesLooney Tunes #275
DC ComicsAfter failing multiple times to destroy planet Earth, Marvin is brought before the Martian Council to face the music. And his instant punishment by...
Ver todos los detallesLipstick Cliqa #1 (Of 3) Cover B Gershon Villamor Variant (Mature)
Scout ComicsSERIES PREMIERE! Lipstick Cliqa is a fierce, all-female gang of shape-shifting vampire cholas, led by the fearless Morissa who expertly wields her ...
Ver todos los detallesKilladelphia #31 Cover D Jason Alexander Variant
Image ComicsNEW STORY ARC Enter SPAWN! The forces of Heaven and Hell clash on the battleground that is Philly and weave into the tapestry of a larger universe...
Ver todos los detallesKilladelphia #31 Cover C Jae Lee Variant
Image ComicsNEW STORY ARC Enter SPAWN! The forces of Heaven and Hell clash on the battleground that is Philly and weave into the tapestry of a larger universe...
Ver todos los detallesKilladelphia #31 Cover A Jason Alexander
Image ComicsNEW STORY ARC Enter SPAWN! The forces of Heaven and Hell clash on the battleground that is Philly and weave into the tapestry of a larger universe...
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